Section: New Software and Platforms


Keywords: Segmentation - Health - DWI - Visualization - Medical Imaging

Functional Description:

MedInria is a medical imaging software platform developed by the Asclepios research project in collaboration with the Athena, Parietal and Visages Inria research projects. It aims at providing clinicians with state of the art algorithms dedicated to medical image processing and visualization. Efforts have been made to simplify the user interface, while keeping high-level algorithms.

The core of medInria is Open Source with a BSD license; additional plug-ins can have any license.

The latest release of medInria, 2.2.3, was made in September 2015.

  • Participants: Théodore Papadopoulo, Olivier Commowick, René-Paul Debroize, Florian Vichot, Loic Cadour, Michael Buckingham, Maxime Sermesant and Hakim Fadil

  • Partners: HARVARD Medical School - IHU - LIRYC - IHU - Strasbourg - NIH

  • Contact: Olivier Commowick

  • URL: http://med.inria.fr